Setup SSH Keys Between Two Linux Servers

SSH Keys will allow data to move between two Linux servers without first prompting for a login. This is useful if you want to automate tasks but don’t want to pass a username and password. This is also safer than storing a password in a file and calling the file from a script. Keep in mind that it is much more secure to use a passphrase when setting up these keys.

  1. SSH to the two Linux machines, Space and Needle.
  2. On each machine type ssh and make a connection with your regular password. This will create an .ssh dir in your home directory with proper permissions.
  3. You may access this file by typing:
  4. cd ~/.ssh/
  5. On your primary server where you want your secret keys to live (let’s say Space), type:
    ssh-keygen -t dsa
  6. This will prompt you for a secret passphrase. If this is your primary identity key, make sure to use a good passphrase. If this works right you will get two files called id_dsa and in your .ssh dir. Note: it is possible to just press the enter key when prompted for a passphrase, which will make a key with no passphrase. This is a bad idea for an identity key, so don’t do it! See below for uses of keys without passphrases.
  7. Copy the file to the other host’s .ssh dir with the name authorized_keys2.
    scp ~/.ssh/ Needle:.ssh/authorized_keys2
  8. Now Needle is ready to accept your ssh key. How to tell it which keys to use? The ssh-add command will do it. For a test, type:
    ssh-agent sh -c 'ssh-add < /dev/null && bash'
  9. That command will start the ssh-agent, add your default identity (prompting you for your passphrase), and spawn a bash shell.
  10. From this new shell you should be able to:
  11. ssh Needle

This should let you in without typing a password or passphrase. Hooray! You can ssh and scp all you want from this bash shell and not have to type any password or passphrase.

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