It is often helpful to pass the exit code (errorlevel) from one batch script to another. You can do this using exit %errorlevel%, which closes the batch script and returns the errorlevel. You are then free to evaluate the error level: echo %errorlevel%. Here is a simple robocopy script that returns an errorlevel to another batch script:
@echo off
robocopy.exe c:\data c:\backup *.bak /MIR /W:10 /R:1000000
echo Robocopy Return Code (errorlevel): %errorlevel%
if %errorlevel%==0 GOTO success
if %errorlevel%==1 GOTO success
if %errorlevel%==2 GOTO success
if %errorlevel%==3 GOTO success
if %errorlevel%==5 GOTO success
if %errorlevel%==6 GOTO success
if %errorlevel%==7 GOTO success
exit %errorlevel%
SET errorlevel=0