Cloudera Manager supports parcels as an alternate form of distribution for CDH and other system packages. Among other benefits, parcels provide a mechanism for upgrading the packages installed on a cluster from within the Cloudera Manager Admin Console with minimal disruption.
You can upgrade individual parcels, or multiple parcels at the same time — for example, upgrading CDH and Impala together.
All hosts in a Cluster point to the Cloudera Manager server to get their Parcels.
To setup a local Parcel repository:
- Browse to: and download the Precise version of Hadoop
- Browse to: and download the Precise version of Impala
- Browse to: and download the Precise version of SOLR
Move the files to the local Parcel repository: /opt/cloudera/parcel-repo
Note: The default location for the local parcel repository is /opt/cloudera/parcel-repo on the Cloudera Manager server. To configure this location, browse to Administration, Settings, Parcels.
- Open the manifest.json file which is in the same directory as the .parcel file you just copied. Find the section of the manifest that corresponds to the parcel you downloaded.
{"parcelName": "SOLR-0.9.3-1.cdh4.3.0.p0.366-precise.parcel","components": [{ "name": "hbase-solr","version": "0.9.3-cdh4.3.0-SNAPSHOT","pkg_version": "0.9.3"},{ "name": "solr","version": "4.3.0-cdh4.3.0_search0.9.3-SNAPSHOT","pkg_version": "4.3.0+74"}],"hash": "66f5f2bf21334be97d30a47de83f9e37b56aebf4"
- Create a text file named after the parcel file with the .sha extension (for example: IMPALA-1.0.1-1.p0.431-el6.parcel.sha) and copy the hash code into it:
# cat > SOLR-0.9.3-1.cdh4.3.0.p0.366-precise.parcel.sha66f5f2bf21334be97d30a47de83f9e37b56aebf4^C
- Place the sha files into your local parcel repository: /opt/cloudera/parcel-repo
- Once these files are in place, Cloudera Manager will pick up the parcel and it will appear on the Hosts, Parcels page when you add a new host. Note that how quickly this occurs depends on the Parcel Update Frequency setting, set by default to 1 hour. You can change this on Administration, Settings, and Parcels.